Valerio and Karen Imarisio Collection

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Valerio and Karen Imarisio Collection

Digital bookplate for the Valerio and Karen Imarisio Collection

One Red Dot by David A. Carter Little Simon, ©2005 Image used with permission by David A. Carter.

Karen began collecting pop-up books over twenty five years ago after receiving Robert Sabuda's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Soon afterwards, she discovered the astonishing pop-up books of David Carter and curiosity turned to a passion for collecting all types of paper engineering, origami and kirigami styles, especially books with modern designs.

Karen is an alumnus of the University of Michigan-Dearborn and Ann Arbor. Valerio has a close connection to the Dearborn area, working at Ford Motor Company as an engineer for over 25 years.

The Mardigian Library was the perfect choice to donate the pop-up book collection with a specific goal in mind: to spark innovative ideas through visual inspiration of various paper engineering techniques found in each book. It is an accessible collection with a special interest for engineering, robotics, mathematics, science, business, education and arts students.

Inspiration found in pop-up books and different folding style techniques has been applied to:

  • devices with flexible structural electronics
  • automotive crash absorbing structures
  • self assembling and self folding robots
  • folding solar panels for satellite
  • transport collapsible solar cameras and telescopes to space stations
  • creative packaging
  • read-to-use self deploying relocatable structures
  • bio-medical stents
  • folding kayaks
  • fold up bullet proof shields
  • flexible art sculptures
The possibilities are endless.

Let's also not forget the pop-up books are fun to look at!

Did you know?

  • Newspaper Subscriptions
  • Currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff are eligible for a free digital subscription to the New York Times (NYT) (some limitations apply) and Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

  • Access requires creation of accounts for each site. Full details and setup instructions are available on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal setup pages.

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