Librarians collaborate with faculty to identify and develop resources to support student research, advise on research assignment design, and teach students strong research, information literacy and critical thinking skills. Collaborations are tailored to your course needs and course modality. Possibilities include:
Information Literacy
- Teaching students how to be effective and strategic searchers, using Mardigian Search, subject-specific databases, and the web
- Applying frameworks to evaluate and fact-check sources in a critical and informed manner
- Avoiding plagiarism and effectively using citation styles, including citation management
Resource and Assignment Design
- Identifying and obtaining access to books, journals, videos, etc. you may need for your class, including openly-licensed resources
- Collaborating on developing, refining, and scaffolding research assignments
- Creating guides, handouts, tutorials, and other instructional materials to help students navigate and use library resources
Students’ Scholarly Communication
- Incorporating source material in finished products, including papers, presentations, and posters
- Understanding the publishing process and peer review, including selecting appropriate places to publish and share research
- Selecting appropriate licensing options, including an understanding of copyright and open licenses and effectively leveraging fair use principles
Please fill out the Course Support Request Form to let us know how we can collaborate around the above areas. Possibilities include:
- Instructing classes in-person, or online (synchronously or asynchronously), either in a one-time or ongoing basis
- Embedding your subject librarian within your Canvas course shell
- Meeting with students one-on-one or in small project groups to consult about their specific research skill and information needs