Who Can Borrow - Students & Faculty from Other Colleges & Universities

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Who Can Borrow - Students & Faculty from Other Colleges & Universities

MeLCat Visiting Patrons

Individuals whose home library participates in MeLCat Visiting Patron Service may borrow materials from the UM-Dearborn library with their home library card and a photo ID.

Local college and university libraries that participate in the MeLCat Visiting Patron Service include Wayne State University, Oakland University, and Eastern Michigan University. Check the list of participating libraries to see all libraries that participate in the MeLCat Visiting Patron Service.

Currently registered UM-Dearborn students may go to any library that participates in the MeLCat Visiting Patron Service and check out materials using their MCard (UM photo ID card) and a photo ID.

Questions? Reach out through any of our contact options.

Did you know?

  • Newspaper Subscriptions
  • Currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff are eligible for a free digital subscription to the New York Times (NYT) (some limitations apply) and Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

  • Access requires creation of accounts for each site. Full details and setup instructions are available on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal setup pages.

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