Loan Periods

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Loan Periods

How long can I borrow items?

Loan periods, or the amount of time that you can borrow an item, will vary depending on the type of item that you are borrowing, and how you are affiliated with the Mardigian Library. The table below outlines the loan periods for most types of items, and for the most common library affiliations.

Additional Information about Loan Periods

  • Renewals may be requested, but are not guaranteed. See Renewing Library Materials for more information.
  • All materials may be subject to recall after three weeks. See Recalling an Item for more information.
  • Students receive library privileges only during semesters they are enrolled in classes.Graduate students who are finishing a thesis or dissertation, but are not enrolled in classes, must have a Graduate Student Verification Form on file with the library to have access to library resources.
  • InterLibrary Loan (ILL) periods vary according to the lending library. Please see your ILLiad account to view due dates and to request renewals.
  • Loan periods for our Loanable Technology items (such as chargers, Chromebooks, and calculators) vary depending on the item being borrowed. Loanable technology can only be borrowed by current UM-Dearborn students, faculty and staff. See Loanable Tech & Resources, and click on "Check availability" for more information.
Status (Maximum Number of Items Allowed) Books DVDs & Audio CDs Bound Journals & Reference MeLCat Books MeLCat A/V
Undergraduate (50) 3 weeks, 3 renewals 3 weeks, no renewal 1 week, no renewal 3 weeks, 1 renewal 1 week, 1 renewal
CASL Honors, Graduate, PhD. (50) 1 term, 2 renewals 3 weeks, no renewal 1 week, no renewal 3 weeks, 1 renewal 1 week, 1 renewal
Faculty & Visiting Scholars (75) 1 term, no limit 3 weeks, no renewal 1 week, no renewal 3 weeks, 1 renewal 1 week, 1 renewal
Staff (50) 1 term, 2 renewals 3 weeks, no renewal 1 week, no renewal 3 weeks, 1 renewal 1 week, 1 renewal
Alumni (10) 3 weeks, 3 renewals 3 weeks, no renewal N/A 3 weeks, 1 renewal 1 week, 1 renewal
MeL Visiting Patrons (varies) 3 weeks, 1 renewal 1 week, no renewal N/A N/A N/A
Guests, InfoPass, and Reciprocal Borrowers (3) 3 weeks, 1 renewal 3 weeks, no renewal N/A N/A N/A

Questions? Reach out through any of our contact options.

Did you know?

  • Newspaper Subscriptions
  • Currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff are eligible for a free digital subscription to the New York Times (NYT) (some limitations apply) and Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

  • Access requires creation of accounts for each site. Full details and setup instructions are available on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal setup pages.

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