Recall an Item

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Recall an Item

What is a Recall?

A recall is a way for UM-Dearborn students, faculty, and staff to place a hold on an item while also requesting that the item be returned to the library sooner than its current due date.

Since some library users, including graduate students, faculty, and staff, can check books out for extended periods of time, recalls allow other individuals to have access to the same resources.

Requesting a Recall?

Most books that have been checked out for more than three weeks may be recalled to the library for you to check out.

Recalls are not automatic. You will need to place a recall request by using the online form or by contacting the Library Info Desk.

  • A/V items, including DVDs and Audio CDs, cannot be renewed or recalled by library users. If you are a faculty member that needs an A/V item to use in your course, please contact the library.
  • The library will recall items that are needed for course reserves or faculty bookings.

Once the recall request has been reviewed and approved, the current borrower is guaranteed a minimum check-out time of 3 weeks, and will receive a notice to return the item within 10 days.

When the item is returned, the next person with a hold on the item will be notified that it is available for them to pick up. More information about placing and picking up holds can be found here.

Received a Recall Notice

A recall notice means that the item is needed in the library, and must be returned by the new due date provided on the notice. This date is typically ten days from the date that the notice is sent to you.

Items may be recalled for a variety of reasons, however, in most cases you will have at least three weeks to use the item before it needs to be returned. Items required for classroom instruction may need to be returned sooner -- the specific due date will be included in the recall notice you received.

Please note that overdue recall items accrue a fine of $15 for every day that the item is overdue.

Questions? Reach out through any of our contact options.

Did you know?

  • Newspaper Subscriptions
  • Currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff are eligible for a free digital subscription to the New York Times (NYT) (some limitations apply) and Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

  • Access requires creation of accounts for each site. Full details and setup instructions are available on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal setup pages.

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